Podiatric Surgery

What is a podiatric surgeon?

Podiatric surgery is a specialist field of practice within the podiatry profession.  Podiatric surgeons are podiatrists who have had extensive postgraduate training in the surgical management of foot and ankle problems, minimum of 11 years specialist training. 

Despite practising surgery, podiatric surgeons will also advise you about the non-surgical treatments available for your foot problem. This will help you make an informed choice regarding your treatment and agree a care plan together.

…an expert in their field.

Podiatric surgeons have a formal education in foot health and medical science and are trained to recognise the signs and symptoms of general medical conditions within the lower limb, for example, diabetes, gout, peripheral vascular disease etc. 

As a consultant within the NHS and private practice since 2010, Miss Taylor will be able to treat the foot and ankle symptoms of these conditions, and is a valued member of a team of medical consultants within each private hospital for the holistic management of your health. Once a diagnosis has been formally established through diagnostic tests, including imaging, blood tests and other tests as required, your GP will also be informed of your agreed care plan you have chosen.

Podiatric surgeons are independent clinicians in the field of foot surgery and not medical doctors. They are to feet very much like dentists are to teeth. Consultant podiatric surgeons work within the NHS and private Hospitals, recognised by all of the private health insurance companies.

How can I book to see a podiatric surgeon?

You may be referred from a range of health professionals seeking the expert opinion of a podiatric surgeon. This may be a GP, another consultant, your local physiotherapist or podiatrist, or your healthcare online triage service. 

You will be emailed an online form which takes a couple of minutes to complete on your mobile device via a secure link.  If you have had imaging or tests undertaken already, please do let us know those details in advance of your appointment.

How much is the self pay cost?

Initial consultation for those paying for themselves is £200 and subsequent follow up consultation, if required, is £125.

Professional regulation

Podiatric surgeons are regulated by The Health and Care Professions Council, who set standards for registrants’ education and training, professional skills and behaviour.

Quality Assurance

Podiatric Surgery is a proven and effective part of foot health care, with thousands of foot operations undertaken in the UK by Podiatric Surgeons every year.

Information is collected for audit purposes in order to review performance, show evidence of practice and assess patient outcomes and experiences. Ask your consultant about the national audit database PASCOM-10.